2 minute read

Analysis of IBM’s 1994-2015 stock market performance using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).

Step 1: Imported the data into RStudio environment

The data contains:

  • Dates (Jan 1994 - Dec 2015)
  • IBM’s daily return
  • Market’s daily return
  • Daily risk-free rate

Step 2: Computed yearly excess market and IBM stock returns

lg <- length(ibmRET)
IBMEXRET_Annualized <- rep(NA,lg)
marketEXRET_Annualized <- rep(NA,lg)

for (i in 252:lg){
  IBMEXRET_Annualized[i] <- (prod(IBMEXRET[(i-252+1):(i)]/100+1)-1)*100 # Daily excess IBM returns
  marketEXRET_Annualized[i] <- (prod(marketEXRET[(i-252+1):(i)]/100+1)-1)*100 # Daily excess Market Returns

Time-series plot of market’s annual excess return:

Step 3: Found the global maximum

On 3rd September 2010, the market was at the global maximum (75.06%).

Step 4: Computed 5-yearly excess market and IBM stock returns

IBMEXRET_5Year <- rep(NA,lg)
marketEXRET_5Year <- rep(NA,lg)

for(i in (252*5):lg){
  IBMEXRET_5Year[i] <- (prod(IBMEXRET[(i-252*5+1):(i)]/100+1)^(1/5)-1)*100 # Five-year IBM excess returns
  marketEXRET_5Year[i] <- (prod(marketEXRET[(i-252*5+1):(i)]/100+1)^(1/5)-1)*100 # Five-year Market excess returns

Time-series plot of market’s 5-yearly excess return:

Step 5: Visualize the spread of the daily returns

  • Boxplot of excess market returns:

  • Boxplot of excess IBM’s stock returns:

  • Scatter-plot of daily IBM vs. market excess returns:

Step 6: Check the various moments of IBM’s and market excess returns:

Metric IBM’s daily stock return Market’s daily stock return
Mean 17.38198% 7.892513%
Standard deviation 28.8362% 18.83606%
Skewness 0.580013 -0.1168607
Kurtosis 8.060213 7.639527
Minimum -14.41947% -8.95%
Maximum 14.05134% 11.35%
Sharpe ratio 0.6028 0.4190
Value at Risk -2.6330% -1.8305%
Expected Shortfall -3.9803 -2.8095
Correlation 0.5956 NA

Histogram of market’s excess returns:

Histogram of IBM’s excess returns:

QQ-plot for market’s excess returns:

QQ-plot for IBM’s excess returns:

Step 7: Hypothesis testing

  1. The Jarque-Bera Test:
    • For IBM: X-squared = 15322, degrees of freedom = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
    • For market: X-squared = 13498, degrees of freedom = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
  2. The Lilliefors Test:
    • For IBM: D = 0.081205, p-value < 2.2e-16
    • For market: D = 0.084228, p-value < 2.2e-16

Step 8: Linear model estimation

We try to explain the behavior of IBM’s returns through market’s returns.


  1. Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-13.8015 -0.6594 -0.0582 0.5996 12.9184
  1. Coefficients:
Coefficient Estimate Std. Error t value Pr > t
(Intercept) 0.04042 0.01961 2.061 0.0394
marketEXRET 0.91177 0.01653 55.175 <2e-16

Residual standard error: 1.459 on 5538 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.3547, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3546

F-statistic: 3044 on 1 and 5538 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

Plot of OLS line:

Alternate hypothesis: Is the risk adjusted returns zero? Result: Cannot reject null hypothesis, so risk-adjusted returns are not zero!


  • Sharpe ratio:

  • Value at Risk (VaR):

  • Expected Shortfall: , where is the confidence level