Autograd: a program for automatic differentiation
Description: Implementation of a small-scale automatic differentiation framework, like PyTorch and Tensorflow.
The functions for the experiment are as follows:
x = Variable(2)
y = Variable(5)
z = x*y
v = 1+2*z
v.derivative(z) # evaluates dv/dz = 2
v.derivative(y) # evaluates dv/dy = 5
v.derivative(x) # evaluates dv/dx = 10
Various rules of differentiation are implemented as follows:
- d.mul:
- d.truediv:
- d.pow:
Assuming ,
When operand , the second term can be replaced with , otherwise is not defined.
- d.tanh:
- d.sin:
- d.log:
Gradient descent is implemented as follows:
gradient_descent(parameters, error_function, num_iters, learning_rate, verbose):
errors = []
for i in range(0,(num_iters-1)):
e = error_function(parameters)
append e to errors
for p in parameters:
p = p - learning_rate.grad(e)
end for
if verbose:
print i and e
end if
end for
return errors